

TradersEdgeFX now provides traders with an exceptional Simulated Evaluation Process, featuring three distinct pathways to success. Our traditional 2-stage process includes the TEFX Challenge followed by a Validation phase, tailored to fully unlock your trading potential. Additionally, we’ve introduced a new, streamlined option a single-step Evaluation Process. This innovative approach allows traders who pass this one-step evaluation to immediately access a TEFX Simulated High-Stake Account, simplifying the journey towards trading mastery. Moreover, we NOW offer the highly sought-after HFT evaluation specifically catering to those interested in trading the complexities of high-frequency trading.

Streamline your decision-making by reviewing all TEFX evaluations and comparing them at once

TEFX Evaluations1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
5K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitless
Minimum Trading DaysNot Available0 Trading Days
Maximum Daily LossNot Available6%/$300
Maximum LossNot Available12%/$600
Profit GoalNot Available8%/$400
Evaluation Fee$54
10K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitlessUnavailable
Minimum Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading DaysUnavailable
Maximum Daily Loss5%/$5006%/$600Unavailable
Maximum Loss10%/$1,00012%/$1,200Unavailable
Profit Goal10%/$1,0008%/$800Unavailable
Evaluation Fee$159$89Unavailable
25K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitlessLimitless
Minimum Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days
Maximum Daily Loss5%/$1,2506%/$1,5005%/$1,250
Maximum Loss10%/$2,50012%/$3,00010%/$2,500
Profit Goal10%/$2,5008%/$2,00010%/$2,500
Evaluation Fee$399$149$499
50K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitlessLimitless
Minimum Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days
Maximum Daily Loss5%/$2,5006%/$3,0005%/$2,500
Maximum Loss10%/$5,00012%/$6,00010%/$5,000
Profit Goal10%/$5,0008%/$4,00010%/$5,000
Evaluation Fee$539$299$639
100K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitlessLimitless
Minimum Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days
Maximum Daily Loss5%/$5,0006%/$6,0005%/$5,000
Maximum Loss10%/$10,00012%/$12,00010%/$10,000
Profit Goal10%/$10,0008%/$8,00010%/$10,000
Evaluation Fee$899$499$999
200K Evaluation1-Step Evaluation2-Step EvaluationHFT
Trading DurationLimitlessLimitlessLimitless
Minimum Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days0 Trading Days
Maximum Daily Loss5%/$10,0006%/$12,0005%/$10,000
Maximum Loss10%/$20,00012%/$24,00010%/$20,000
Profit Goal10%/$20,0008%/$16,00010%/$20,000
Evaluation Fee$1299$899$1799

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*** CONGRATULATIONS - TEFX is pleased to issue rewards to: * Dennis L. • $2,390.91 * Antonio • $1,279.88 * Muhammud S. • $410.87 * Anam I. • $693.72 * Ameer H. • $441.88 * Zaym S. • $120.22 * Antonio • $5,250.80 ~ 2nd Reward * Ali R. • $125.82.72 * Nancy • $4,586.42 * Muhammad S. • $642.27 ~ 2nd Reward * Peepcharts • $811.61 * Anam I. • $153.58 ~ 2nd Reward * Zaym S. • $189.19 ~ 2nd Reward * John I. • $744.69 * Anan I. • $274.75 ~ 3rd Reward * Nancy • $18,585.60 ~ 2nd Reward * Muhammad E. • $2,737.72 * Muhammad • $421.74 * Usman Y. • $748.88. * Enrique • $4,134.84 * John I. • $990.77 ~ 2nd Reward * Veronica • $253.61 * Aqeel • $3,36.65 * Hafiz • $4,086.58 * Mo Money • 10,429.25 * Janu G. • $3,639.88 * Enes A • 2,322.44 * Aqeel • $8,261.81 * Michael A • 582.96 * Enes A • $1,350.15 ~ 2nd Reward * Michael A • $1,199.39 ~ 2nd Reward * Lorene • $5,396.36 * Michael A • 315.66 ~ 3rd Reward * Lars • $313.88 * Adeel H. • $242.02 * Zach • 3,921.55 * Aafaq • 2,650 * Chijioke • $521.66 *** *** CONGRATULATIONS - TEFX is pleased to issue rewards to: * Dennis L. • $2,390.91 * Antonio • $1,279.88 * Muhammud S. • $410.87 * Anam I. • $693.72 * Ameer H. • $441.88 * Zaym S. • $120.22 * Antonio • $5,250.80 ~ 2nd Reward * Ali R. • $125.82.72 * Nancy • $4,586.42 * Muhammad S. • $642.27 ~ 2nd Reward * Peepcharts • $811.61 * Anam I. • $153.58 ~ 2nd Reward * Zaym S. • $189.19 ~ 2nd Reward * John I. • $744.69 * Anan I. • $274.75 ~ 3rd Reward * Nancy • $18,585.60 ~ 2nd Reward * Muhammad E. • $2,737.72 * Muhammad • $421.74 * Usman Y. • $748.88. * Enrique • $4,134.84 * John I. • $990.77 ~ 2nd Reward *** Veronica • $253.61 * Aqeel • $3,36.65 * Hafiz • $4,086.58 * Mo Money • 10,429.25 * Janu G. • $3,639.88 * Enes A • 2,322.44 * Aqeel • $8,261.81 * Michael A • 582.96 * Enes A • $1,350.15 ~ 2nd Reward * Michael A • $1,199.39 ~ 2nd Reward * Lorene • $5,396.36 * Michael A • 315.66 ~ 3rd Reward * Lars • $313.88 * Adeel H. • $242.02 * Zach • 3,921.55 * Aafaq • 2,650 * Chijioke • $521.66 *** *** *** *** CONGRATULATIONS - TEFX is pleased to issue rewards to: * Dennis L. • $2,390.91 * Antonio • $1,279.88 * Muhammud S. • $410.87 * Anam I. • $693.72 * Ameer H. • $441.88 * Zaym S. • $120.22 * Antonio • $5,250.80 ~ 2nd Reward * Ali R. • $125.82.72 * Nancy • $4,586.42 * Muhammad S. • $642.27 ~ 2nd Reward * Peepcharts • $811.61 * Anam I. • $153.58 ~ 2nd Reward * Zaym S. • $189.19 ~ 2nd Reward * John I. • $744.69 * Anan I. • $274.75 ~ 3rd Reward * Nancy • $18,585.60 ~ 2nd Reward * Muhammad E. • $2,737.72 * Muhammad • $421.74 * Usman Y. • $748.88. * Enrique • $4,134.84 * John I. • $990.77 ~ 2nd Reward *** Veronica • $253.61 * Enes A • $1,350.15 ~ 2nd Reward * Michael A • $1,199.39 ~ 2nd Reward * Lorene • $5,396.36 * Michael A • 315.66 ~ 3rd Reward * Lars • $313.88 * Adeel H. • $242.02 * Zach • 3,921.55 * Aafaq • 2,650 * Chijioke • $521.66 *** *** *** CONGRATULATIONS - TEFX is pleased to issue rewards to: * Dennis L. • $2,390.91 * Antonio • $1,279.88 * Muhammud S. • $410.87 * Anam I. • $693.72 * Ameer H. • $441.88 * Zaym S. • $120.22 * Antonio • $5,250.80 ~ 2nd Reward * Ali R. • $125.82.72 * Nancy • $4,586.42 * Muhammad S. • $642.27 ~ 2nd Reward * Peepcharts • $811.61 * Anam I. • $153.58 ~ 2nd Reward * Zaym S. • $189.19 ~ 2nd Reward * John I. • $744.69 * Anan I. • $274.75 ~ 3rd Reward * Nancy • $18,585.60 ~ 2nd Reward * Muhammad E. • $2,737.72 * Muhammad • $421.74 * Usman Y. • $748.88. * Enrique • $4,134.84 * John I. • $990.77 ~ 2nd Reward * Veronica • $253.61 * Aqeel • $3,36.65 * Hafiz • $4,086.58 * Mo Money • 10,429.25 * Janu G. • $3,639.88 * Enes A • 2,322.44 * Aqeel • $8,261.81 * Michael A • 582.96 *** ***  

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TradersEdgeFX only provides simulated trading services and educational tools for traders. The content and information provided by this site are intended solely for educational purposes. TradersEdgeFX does not provide investment recommendations, business advice, investment opportunity analysis, or any other general advice regarding trading investment instruments.
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